
VHD Tool - 간단한 VHD 도구

CApple 2012. 7. 5. 06:05

다운로드 - 2.0 Final VhdTool.exe
공식 사이트 http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/vhdtool
다운로드 페이지 http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/vhdtool/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=5344

VHD 와 관련된 간단한 명령형 도구입니다. 사실 크게 쓸 일은 없지만 RAW 형식의 디스크 이미지를 곧바로 Fixed 형식의 VHD 파일로 변환할 수 있는 기능은 써먹을 수 있는 곳이 있을 듯 싶긴 하네요. 일단은 알고 있는 도구이기에 그냥 소개해 봅니다. ^^ 사용법은 아래와 같습니다.

VhdTool.exe /create <FileName> <Size> [/quiet]
VhdTool.exe /convert <FileName> [/quiet]
VhdTool.exe /extend <FileName> <NewSize> [/quiet]
VhdTool.exe /repair <BaseVhdFileName> <FirstSnapshotAVhdFileName> [/quiet]

Create: Creates a new fixed format VHD of size <Size>.
        WARNING - this function is admin only and bypasses
        file system security.  The resulting VHD file will
        contain data which currently exists on the physical disk.

Convert: Converts an existing RAW disk image file to a fixed-format VHD.
         The existing file length, rounded up, will contain block data
         A VHD footer is appended to the current end of file.

Extend: Extends an existing fixed format VHD to a larger size <Size>.
         WARNING - this function is admin only and bypasses
         file system security.  The resulting VHD file will
         contain data which currently exists on the physical disk.

Repair: Repairs a broken Hyper-V snapshot chain where an administrator
        has expanded the size of the root VHD.  The base VHD will be
        returned to its original size. THIS MAY CAUSE DATA LOSS if the
        contents of the base VHD were changed after expansion.